COM and Excel Development
In order to deploy your COM or Excel application with QuickOPC on Windows manually, follow the steps below:
- Check that proper version of Microsoft .NET Framework is installed, and if it is not, install it. See .NET Runtimes for details.
- Run the QuickOPC Full installation program, selecting “Custom install” choice and later “Production installation” type. Alternatively, run the QuickOPC Production installer instead. The main purpose of this step is to obtain the set of QuickOPC components (assemblies and configuration files); if you have them available by other means, you can skip this step.
- Copy the QuickOPC components (assemblies and configuration files) from the Components\Opclabs.QuickOpc\net472 directory to their target locations for your application.
- Perform additional actions (such as the assembly registrations) as described with the respective files in Installing COM Components and Type Libraries . This might have been performed by the installer in Step 2 above, but needs to be re-done if you have moved the assemblies from their original locations.
- Perform any steps needed to install your own application.
- If you are using a license located in the Registry License Store, run the License Manager from the Start menu or the Launcher application, and install the runtime license. Alternative, use command line and the LMConsole utility for this.
- With QuickOPC-UA only: Run your application once with the administrative privileges, giving it a chance to create its client instance certificate (this step is only needed if you do not provide the client instance certificate in some other way).
.NET Development
In .NET (.NET Framework, .NET 6 or 7), manual deployment steps are more or less indistinguishable from what is considered as creating an "automated deployment". For this reason, refer to Automated deployment, roll your own for the deployment steps.
See Also